
Welcome to MARGA!

Prof. Karthik Sundaresan directs the Mobile Advanced Research group at GATech (MARGA), where he leads a team of highly motivated students and researchers. The team works on cutting-edge research problems with real-world impact in various aspects of wireless and mobile networking, sensing and computing. Some of the broad areas of investigation in the group include, but not limited to:

  • Connectivity for 5G/6G wireless systems (RAN, Core, Edge Computing, Dynamic Spectrum Access, Joint Communication & Sensing, Positioning)
  • Low power wireless networking and sensing (Backscatter networks, RFIDs, reconfigurable surfaces)
  • ML in wireless (hybrid model/data-driven solutions for challenging networking and sensing problems)
  • S3C (sensing, connectivity, computing, control) for autonomous systems (AGVs, UAVs, etc.)

The current themes of investigation in the group can be found here.

Some recent news …

  • Collaborative work with UMD on large-scale collaborative localization and tracking to appear at Usenix NSDI 2025.
  • Alan’s work on pose-agnostic human activity cataloging with commodity mmWave radars will appear in IMWUT/UbiComp 2024; opens door for robust remote physical rehabilitation applications.
  • Mohammad and Alan’s work on a new paradigm of acoustic IoT through composable, distributed beamforming, appears in ACM IPSN 2024; received Best Paper Runner-up Award.
  • Cameron’s work on online radio environment map creation via UAV Vision for Aerial Networks, will appear in IEEE Infocom 2024.
  • Aadesh’s work on scalable network tomography for dynamic spectrum access, appears in IEEE Infocom 2024; Best Paper finalist.
  • Yu-Tai’s work on communication-aware collaborative positioning for FutureG wireless systems, appears in ACM MobiHoc 2023.
  • Mohammad receives a seed grant to explore commercialization of WaveTag.
  • Mohammad presents his work on ultra low-power UWB tag design (WaveTag) at ACM MobiCom 2022.
  • Study on WiFi FTM and its readiness for enterprise deployments receives best paper award at ACM WiNTECH 2022.
  • MARGA receives NSF grant to explore coexistence of 5G positioning and communication.
  • MARGA receives federal grant to explore the feasibility of `mobility inverted networks’.

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